103 results
Telegram to Governor Pennoyer
This telegram to Oregon Governor Sylvester Pennoyer from Judge Walter Gresham warns that extending the Chinese Exclusion Act might incite violence and asks that Pennoyer …The Psychedelic Shop
This photograph of The Psychedelic Shop, at 1325 SW Washington, was taken on June 29, 1967. The shop catered to a young clientele that had …Tom McCall (1913-1983)
This photograph shows Governor McCall visiting an Oregon beach on May 13, 1967, in the midst of a period of contentious, state-wide land-use rights debates. …Tulelake, California
In 1917, the U.S. Reclamation Service (renamed the Bureau of Reclamation in 1923) offered 3,000 acres of land for homesteading in the Klamath Reclamation Project …Venus Dean helps launch S.S. Nehalem
Each ship built and launched from the Oregon shipyards during World War II was assigned a sponsor, who attended the launching ceremony and christened the …We're Going to Wyoming & Idaho
This image shows the front page of the August, 1942 edition of the Evacuazette, a special edition of the newspaper that was published to …White Stag Catalog Cover
This White Stag catalog cover from approximately 1939 features artwork of a skilled skier with the company's trademark, a leaping stag, in the background. In …William Stafford (1914-1993)
According to George Venn’s 1999 review in the Oregon Historical Quarterly, William Stafford is the most widely read poet in the United States. Stafford …Women & Children outside Farm Labor Camp
This ca. 1967 photograph shows Hispanic women and children standing near plywood-sided cabins at a farm labor camp in the Willamette Valley. The photograph is …Women Pray at Nichiren Buddhist Church, 1963
This photograph was published in the Oregon Journal on November 25, 1963. It shows a group of women praying at Portland’s Nichiren Buddhist Church during …Interpretive Essays
Interpretive essays use primary documents from the Oregon Historical Society archives to help readers imagine the events, people, and issues that shaped Oregon history.