103 results
Blackout, World War II
In order to comply with World War II blackout rules, people covered or painted over the upper part of car headlights. During the war, Oregonians …Women Cherry Pickers during World War II
For farmers and orchardists in Oregon, labor shortages during World War II threatened to leave vegetables and grains rotting in the fields and unpicked fruit on the trees. …USO Dance
This photograph, taken during the Korean War, shows two off-duty servicemen and three USO volunteers, donned with leis, at a reception table for an USO-sponsored …Bootsie Cartoon
This particular “Bootsie” cartoon appeared in the Northwest Defender, a Portland-based African American weekly, in October of 1964, a year after a church bombing …The More Women at Work
This poster was issued by the Office of War Information after the United States’ entry into World War II had drained much of the available …Lincoln High Scrap Metal Drive, 1942
This photograph appeared in the Oregon Journal on October 11, 1942, along with other photographs celebrating the efforts of local schools and organizations taking part …Handbook for New Women Shipyard Workers
In 1943 Portland Public Schools produced a handbook designed to orient new women workes to life in the shipyards. One section dealt with the problems of childcare. …Leaflet, Tennessee Justice
This leaflet was produced by members of the Civilian Public Service Camp #56 at Waldport. It is an advertisement for a play that members of …Workers at the Umatilla Ordnance Depot, 1943
This photograph shows workers at the U.S. Army’s Umatilla Ordnance Depot stenciling and inspecting 155-millimeter artillery shells. It was taken by an Oregon Journal photographer …10th Anniversary of Women in the Armed Forces
This photograph, likely taken in May 1952 during the third annual Armed Forces Day parade in Portland, depicts a Buick convertible decorated to commemorate the …Interpretive Essays
Interpretive essays use primary documents from the Oregon Historical Society archives to help readers imagine the events, people, and issues that shaped Oregon history.