872 results
Harvest Hands Rest on Sacks of Grain, Moro
This photograph shows harvest hands seated on sacks of grain near the northeastern Oregon town of Moro. It was taken by Moro photographer Will Raymond …Harvey Scott near Seaside, 1905
This 1905 photograph shows Harvey Scott reading the day’s Oregonian on the Oregon Coast near Seaside. Scott was born on a farm near Groveland, Illinois. …Haswell's Log of Sloop Washington, 1788
Nineteen-year-old Bostonian Robert Haswell wrote the journal entries reproduced here in August 1788; they were published in the Oregon Historical Quarterly 140 years later. Haswell …Hawaiian Slack-Key Guitar
This photograph of Sam Kama was taken in 1995 by Eliza Buck. At the time, Kama was teaching Elroy Aipolani (not shown) how to play …HB 2930, Anti-Discrimination Bill
During the 1973 legislative session, Representative Vera Katz introduced a bill that would have prohibited "discrimination in employment and certain real property transactions" based on …Heart Mountain Relocation Camp
This World War II photograph shows a Japanese American family at the Heart Mountain Relocation Center, located in northwest Wyoming. During the war, the government …Helicopter Sprays Chemical Herbicide
This photograph, by Dana Olsen, originally appeared on the front page of the Oregon Journal as an illustration for an article titled, “Miscarriages Bring Herbicide …Henry E. Dosch to Bertha Burger, 1905
In the initial letter written to which this is a response, Bertha Burger of Denver, Colorado, seeks a job at the 1905 Lewis and Clark …Henry Miller, Cattleman
The portrait above shows Henry Miller (1827-1916), a German immigrant who started off as a butcher in San Francisco and rose to become one of the …Henry Villard in the West Shore
When the first transcontinental train rolled into Portland on September 11, 1883, the Oregonian described the ensuing celebration as “the greatest display ever witnessed in …Interpretive Essays
Interpretive essays use primary documents from the Oregon Historical Society archives to help readers imagine the events, people, and issues that shaped Oregon history.