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Article, I-5 Now Completed throughout Oregon

Article, I-5 Now Completed throughout Oregon

The interstate highway system changed the face of America. Although Congress had been discussing the development of an interregional highway system since the 1930s, construction …

Oregon History Project
Article, Willamette Greenway Act

Article, Willamette Greenway Act

Anthony Netboy wrote this Nov. 5, 1967 article about the Willamette Greenway Act for Northwest Magazine Sunday, a supplement to the Oregonian. Netboy, …

Oregon History Project
Ashland Chautauqua, 1895

Ashland Chautauqua, 1895

This 1895 leaflet from Ashland’s third annual Chautauqua meeting shows the town’s Chautauqua building on one side and lists the featured speakers on the other. …

Oregon History Project
Ashland Woolen Mills

Ashland Woolen Mills

This 1884 illustration shows the Ashland Woolen Mills. The first such enterprise in Oregon was the Willamette Woolen Manufacturing Company, which began doing business in …

Oregon History Project
Ashwood, 1915

Ashwood, 1915

This is a photograph of the central Oregon town of Ashwood at the turn of the twentieth century, before a mining boom spurred an increase …

Oregon History Project
Au Port des Francais

Au Port des Francais

This engraving by M. Le Grand was included in the atlas that accompanied the multi-volume Voyage de La Pérouse Autour du Monde (Voyage of La …

Oregon History Project
Auburn, Oregon, c.1861

Auburn, Oregon, c.1861

This rare photograph shows part of the mining town of Auburn, located in northeastern Oregon about eight miles southwest of Baker City. The photo is …

Oregon History Project
Aurora Band Behind Pioneer Hotel, c.1877

Aurora Band Behind Pioneer Hotel, c.1877

This photograph of the Aurora Band (also referred to as the Pioneer Band) was taken some time after the original religious communal society of Aurora …

Oregon History Project
Aurora Band Greets Southern Pacific Farm Train

Aurora Band Greets Southern Pacific Farm Train

In 1909 and 1910, railroad companies sent farming demonstration trains on tour throughout Oregon to promote improved agricultural practices, in an effort to ensure and …

Oregon History Project
Baker City Telephone Operators, c. 1910

Baker City Telephone Operators, c. 1910

This photograph shows telephone operators at work in Baker City. It was probably taken some time between 1900 and 1915. Pioneer steamboat captain George Ainsworth …

Oregon History Project

Interpretive Essays

Interpretive essays use primary documents from the Oregon Historical Society archives to help readers imagine the events, people, and issues that shaped Oregon history.